tisdag 30 augusti 2011

Today we went to Nova Lund for some serious shopping. This little guy kind of distracted us though, like always!

I brought him his very first cucumber slices, and he was somewhat skeptical. The slices grew on him though and towards the end he actually chewed on one, well done auntie Lina!  

As for the shopping? well, I got home with a lovely blanket/cardie, hairpins and müsli. Oh well, let's do better tomorrow ;) 

måndag 29 augusti 2011

This saturday...

... the fantastic four met up for some wine, food and celebration of the 80's...

 ... we had male company in the start of the evening, unfortunately he got sick of us girls rather quickly and went to bed...

...seeing this picture I can imagine why. I was by the way completely tricked by my friends, being the only one to show up in a real 80's outfit. Cheers! :)

And the next day started with a morning cuddle! It doesn’t really show here, but he is really baking a cake and throws it to the birds, silly boy :)

måndag 22 augusti 2011

How we survive is what makes us who we are

I just saw a friend of a friend on Facebook with that tattooed on her collarbone, and it doesn't just luck amazing the words are so very well chosen too.

I have a relatively small struggle that I need to win at the moment. Well its big for be, one of the trickiest things I have ever had to sort out. Finding a decent place to live in London isn't the easiest thing in the world. I mean I'm used to a certain standard. I want both hot and cold water in the tap, I don't want carpet in the wc and I appreciate to have access to some sort of heating system. To find a place that tick all the boxes (that is not located in the outskirts of London) is hard if you are not rich. For me the awful part is really not knowing what is going to happen,  I like to have some sort of control over the situation, which I  don't have here. So I get depressed, and comfort myself with my lovely friends Ben & Jerry. That is how I survive. I wonder what it makes me, cus it may not be the most constructive way, but it gives energy and comfort long enough to get through it.

/ Lina who is totally not exaggerating or pitying herself. At all :p

fredag 12 augusti 2011

Its not easy, being this popular!

Today I visited the most gorgeous and well behaved boy I know! A tiny sweetheart called Victor. And his mother Emla of course! I always love spending time with them and I hope they feel like ways. I think they do. I hope so. But then again, maybe not:

I try to tell myself that it is the sour apple mash he is frowning at, but who knows? It’s quite strong of him to pull of this face and still look gorgeous <3

onsdag 10 augusti 2011

Welcome to my world..

Let's call it muffin-heaven...

These darlings were first created by wonderful, beautiful Leila Lindholm in the picture below. And what makes these little pieces of heaven sooo much better than any other muffin you have ever tried is the delicious crumble on top!

And this is how it’s made;
100 grams butter
2 eggs
150 ml sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or extract
200 ml milk
Tiny bit of lemon
400ml flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
A pinch of salt
And so, the crème de la crème, icing on the cake, THE crumble;
75 g butter, 200 ml oatmeal, 100 ml flour and 100 ml sugar. Pinch it all together and sprinkle on top!
As for the filling, use your imagination, I have used blueberry, dark chocolate/almond and apple/cinnamon, delicious!  